September 5,2013

Students learned construction of Square,Rectangle and Triangle using a scale and later learned to construct a triangle using a compass and a scale with the steps of construction.

September 4,2013

Students are practising BODMAS to improve their mental maths and calculations.

August 26,2013

Students created bar graphs using excel . Students used the survey data that they have collected to create a bar graph.

August 22,2013

Students compared the big numbers using a  thinking routine THINK,PAIR and SHARE .They reflected that they are able to understand and think deep about the different place values.

They also worked on the calculations rule BODMAS and analysed the different answers before and after the rule. 

August 19,2013:
Students were grouped into three groups based on their readiness about the Data handling.They were given guided,individual and inquiry tasks to complete and create graphs.One of the groups was completely supported by the teacher to construct meaning.

Students discussed the different terminology used in statistics.Later the definitions of Mean,Median,Mode and Range were discussed and found out using an example.

August 16,2013:

A whole class discussion was conducted on data,tally marks,graphs and statistics to understand the level and schema of students.
Later whole numbers,Natural Numbers,Integers and Rational Numbers ,Prime Numbers,Composite numbers,L.C.M and H.C.F were discussed and understood by the students.The following classes will have hands on activities on these concepts.

August 14,2013.

Today was an interesting start with the BIG NUMBERS...really Big ..started with a big bang. Students learnt the place values on their fingers which they practised self and later worked with a peer to revise.
Students created 15 digit  number using a dodecahedron dice and wrote the number name both in Indian and International  number systems.

Creating 15 digit numbers using dodecahedron
Practising Place Values on fingers.

September 12:

Students created patterns using manipulatives to understand the


1 comment:

  1. Students completed a Math readiness test in teh syllabus of Grade 5.


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